Times I have Been Sneakey
I am very good at being a slippery thing but these are some times I am proud of.

Hi my name is Burgernugget Nuggetburger and I am small and beautiful. I like to jump and be tall and really enjoy when something goes smash or crash. Splash is also a favorite of mine. You are here to learn about me and I will tell you now that I am lovely rockstar kitty cat who you will like very much.
Well as you might guess I am a girl with a lot of things to say which is why I have this webs site for me. Usually I contribute to the conversation by sharing my important views like "weet-woo" or "ow-ow." Whenever possible I will communicate these important views from the tallest place in the room so everyone can see and hear me and know that I am tall. No one will want to miss this important information. I also like to say purr-purr-purr and that is a hit with everybody, especially when I arch my back and do my little steps so everyone can see how excellent cute I am.
Speaking of swhich another Burger fact about Burger is that I am cute. I am always dressed for success in my beautiful wonderful super soft tuxedo and I have never looked bad a day in my life. I have devil horns on account of my being very evil which I will prove to you by trapping you on the sofa for several hours while I nap in your lap. Oh you had lot of stuffs to do? BORING!! Burger time. Thanks
If you care to find me I will be at my house as outside is scary and the likelihood of me getting carried off by a bird is, according to the national weather service, 100%. Inside my house it's a crapshoot as to where I will be. I know all the good hiding spots such as inside of couch, behind bookshelf, and deep in my hot tub. But it is fun for me to be seen, so probably I will be kicking somebody out of the wall hammock so that I can sit there and be looked at and admired by you while I take my fiveteen naps this day.
The only thing I do not like about me is that I am very small. I was supposed to get bigger I think but I did not. I weigh 7 pounds and I don't know what that means but I know it means I can get lifted up and carried like a baby doll far too easily, even though I like that. I think I was supposed to be more around the size of The Dog. I don't know what happened but if you find out please let me know asap so I can grow more.
There are several beasts and people who live in my house. I like living here and I like my people muchly. But people are boring to talk about. They just do thing like go to work, watch the birds-and-squirrels portal, complain, eat food and not share. So I will tell you about the beasts instead.
The Dog and I are best friends and she loves me just as much as I love her. She likes it when I swat her tail or poke her back with my adorable little paws while she is sleeping. The Dog shows her love by putting my entire head in her mouth and holding it there. This is a sign of affection I know it.
There is another dog in my house too. She is fine. Sometimes she squish me and that is unhappy behavior.
My other best friend is Muffin who is also my father. He doesn't think he's my father because he isn't and he also doesn't think he is my best friend, but that is because he does not think. Which is fine for me. It makes him easy to manipalate to my whims.
Pumpkin lives here too but we don't talk.
And of course there is also Bonny, which is a shame. But it was nice of her to give me a place on her webbed site to talk about me Burger. And she is good to wrestle because she is very bad at it.
I was named for a very famous video that is excellent cool. Here watch it and like it.
I have lots of spy names because I'm very sneakey. I'm only telling you because you scratched my butt earlier and I thought that was rockstar of you. So we are friends now and you legally have to tell me your spy names, too. But mine are better thanks.
I am very good at being a slippery thing but these are some times I am proud of.
It has been nice knowing you. Maybe you can come to my house sometime and give me a pat while I eat my favorite crunchy food. I would probably not like that as I am a little bit scared of strangers but who knows, it could be fine. You are welcome for reading about me Burger today.